Baltic food organisation (LT) calls for tenders to implement programme “The Hanseatic League – Network of Тrust“ which aims to educate target groups about the EU food safety and control system, to raise their awareness »
Call for tender to select implementing body for the project
Baltic Food Organisation (legal entity code: 302538552; address: J. Jasinskio st. 16, Vilnius, Lithuania) calls for tender to select the implementing authority to implement the measures of the Programme “Information and promotion actions for EU »
Ekspertai: Lietuvos gamintojai neįvertina, kokį dėmesį JAV skiria ekologiškam maistui
Lietuvos maisto pramonės gamintojai per mažai dėmesio skiria Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų (JAV) ir Kinijos rinkoms, kur ekologiški maisto produktai iš Europos Sąjungos (ES) šalių yra itin vertinami, tikina VšĮ Baltijos maisto organizacijos direktorė Rima Pozingė. »
First year results of processed fruit and vegetables promotion program
First Year Results During the first year of the processed fruit and vegetables program in the Baltic countries, 2.644 actions have been fulfilled. They were pointed towards: To increase awareness of the program products »
ECO Export Campaign in China & South Korea
Campaign in China & South Korea The Programme seeks to spread information about EU organic production method in third-country market. Particularly, to improve identification of and trust in EU organic labelling through increasing recognition »
Campaign in the Baltic Countries for Poultry meat
Poultry campaign in Lithuania, Latvia: BFO members are involved in different type of activities, one of them is chicken farming and processing. BFO representation of poultry sector in vertical supply chain expands into agriculture, »
Cooperation agreement with the Association “Lietuvos Gėrimai”
The Partnership with the Association “Lietuvos Gėrimai” Association “Lietuvos Gėrimai” has signed a partnership agreement with the NGO “Baltic Food Organisation”. Baltic Food Organisation – a non-profit organisation whose main objective is to represent »
Exhibition “Sial China 2013″
“Sial China 2013″ For the first time, in the Exhibition “Sial China 2013″, there was a presentation about the existence of a national Lithuanian food industry. China is considered the most important Lithuania’s trading »